Take a Quilting Class

Centuries ago, the economy of many countries demanded that nothing be discarded if a use could be found for it. Cloth was an expensive item, so throwing it away was a waste many families could not afford. Long winter nights were spent chatting to firelight because candles were also a huge expense, so families needed something to do that could be done with little light and few resources. Quilting fit many of these requirements because it kept people busy, turned old pieces of cloth into something useful and it also kept people warm.

Modern man now has home heating sources and light that is reliable, and cloth made by machines has become inexpensive enough to throw away when an item becomes worn. Many people have donated used items, but some have always stuck with the thought that it is a waste to throw away cloth that can be turned into something else. Economic reliability is another factor that has contributed to an upswing in the making of quilts.

Quilting has become a growing hobby in the modern world, and people have found there are now an abundance of teachers holding classes to educate people in the making of these warm and beautiful keepsakes. Learning how to quilt requires knowledge of how materials work together, and sewing is a fundamental skill that is necessary to join the pieces. Most beginners have basic sewing skills on machines as well as by hand, so they usually find the materials part of the class to be the most helpful.

Learning to create quilts is not difficult, so classes can accommodate a wide range of students. Each person will learn how to navigate through the basics of choosing materials, cutting them and joining them together to create the face of the quilt. Backing and adding the quilting after the face has been made finish out the information modern hobbyists will need to create beautiful pieces for family, friends or even future sales.